Introduction to neurodiversity in the workplace

Discover how you can create an inclusive environment and support neurodiversity with our short series of expert-led sessions.
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Don’t get left behind in the search for diverse talent

If neurodiversity is not top of your list – think again. 1 in 7 people in the UK experience neurological differences.
Without considering neurodiversity you run the risk of excluding and losing talent, enforcing an alienating workplace culture, and a loss of creativity and innovation.
We are on a mission to help organisations supercharge their DE&I strategy. Our neurodiversity in the workplace on-demand series covers all the fundamentals HR leaders need to understand, plan and action effective and truly inclusive strategies.

Join 1,000+ businesses who have completed this course.

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Free introductory neurodiversity training for businesses.

Get free access to our neurodiversity on-demand series to help you champion neuro-inclusion in your workplace.

Get an in-depth understanding of what neurodiversity is and how to support neurodiverse staff in the workplace

Get practical tips to inspire action within your organisation and create a space where every diverse mind can thrive.

View our neuro-inclusion packages and pricing.